Saturday 6 March 2094

08. Planning - Shot list 2nd draft

No. 1 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From top of stairs

Man walks down the stairs with his back to the camera, not showing the bad half of his face. As he gets to the bottom of the stairs he turns right into the next room.

No camera movement.

FX: diegetic sounds of footsteps over the top of non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:


No. 2 Long Shot

Boiler Room

From in front of the man

Man walks towards the camera with his head down and a limp.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 3 Close up

Boiler Room

In front of the torch

Man hands as he turns on the torch.

FX: Diegetic sound of the torch switch. Non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 4 Mid Shot

Boiler Room

From the side of the man

Camera facing the wall in order to see the man’s shadow as he walks past.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 5 Mid Shot

Boiler Room

From in front of the man

Man goes into the Shrine room; camera pans left to follow him from behind as he faces the Shrine.

FX: diegetic sounds of footsteps over the top of non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 6 Close up

Boiler Room

From over the man’s shoulder

Close up of the Shrine.

FX: Non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 7 Mid-shot

Boiler Room

From behind the man

Man kneels down if front of the Shrine.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 8 Close up

Boiler Room

From over the man’s shoulder

Close up of the Crucifix from the Shrine.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 9 Close up

Boiler Room

From over the man’s shoulder

Close up of the skull from the Shrine.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 10 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From the side of the man

Man starts to pray, man in the left of the shot and the Shrine in the right.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 11 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From behind the man

Man slowly stands up.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 12 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From Side of the man

Man reaches into his pocket.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 13 Close up/POV shot

Boiler Room

As if the man is looking down

Man’s hands as he unfolds a burnt picture and puts it in front of the shrine.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 14 Close up

Boiler Room

In front of the picture

The picture.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 15 Close up

Boiler Room

From over the man’s shoulder

Close up of the Barbie doll on the shrine.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 16 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From behind of man

Man slowly raises his arms to take down his hood.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 17 Mid shot

Boiler Room

From the side of the man

Another angle of the man raising his arms.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 18 Close up

Boiler Room

From in front of the man

Man has his head down then as he takes his hood off he lifts his head to reveal his face.

FX: non-diegetic sound of eerie music.

Transition …CUT TO:

No. 19

Boiler Room

Blackout with title: TORMENT.

Transition …CUT TO:

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