Wednesday 7 November 2091

11. Preliminary task

This is the link to our preliminary task  via Youtube:


1)      How well does your preliminary task fulfil the brief?

Our preliminary task meets all the criteria that were needed for the task. However, it still leaves more than enough room for improvement.

2)      What obstacles did you overcome in order complete the preliminary task?

The main obstacle we had to overcome was how we had to make sure we filmed and edited by the deadline, which had came around a lot quicker than we all anticipated.

3)      How could you have improved the production values of your preliminary task?

To improve I feel we could have focused more, ideally on faces, when we were doing shot reverse shot to show the dialogue.

4)      What tutorials did you use in order to help you complete the preliminary task?

We did not use any tutorials in order to help complete our preliminary task.

5)      What important lessons have you’re learned in preparation for completing your main task?

I have learned that we need to manage our time better to make sure the task will be completed by the deadline. This would mean taking the task into our own time outside of school hours in order to achieve this.

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