Thursday 1 January 2099

03. Research - Target Audience

Having researched about the horror genre I have been able to conclude that our target audience is going to be males in the range of 15-30 years of age. This is for a few reasons, the first being that my group and I are not yet 18 years old therefore would not able to make a film which is rated 18. Also this allows us to cover a wider range of audience as it includes teenage years (15 to roughly 17/18) in which as a group we can allow this specific audience to relate more to what our film is going to be based on due to us being teenagers ourselves.

This chart shows that the most popular age group for horrors is 19-24 years, this again suggests that our target audience should be based around this age group. This chart also shows that the most unpopular age group is 50+ years followed by 35-49 years. With this in mind, we decided to make our age group no higher than 30 years of age as it seems to become more unpopular from this age.

With further research I found that it became apparent that more males tended to watch horror movies compared to females. This showed us that we should lean our film more towards the needs of a male audience rather than a female. However, males were only over females by 10% so we will not neglect a female audience entirely because they are still very popular in watching horror films.

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